Lars Magnar Enoksen
Viking Wisdom
200 Swedish kronor
Scandinavian Heritage Publications’ back-cover presentation:
When searching for genuine sources about heathen incantation lore, it is vital to have access to the medieval manuals of the North and to know their contents by heart. The purest examples of Nordic conjuring traditions are to be found in the Elder Edda and thus this book will show all its Galdrs in their entirety.
These pagan poems are presented in their full splendor, the way they were actually written in its ancient source-script. Each and every Galdr is accompanied by facsimiles from their thirteenth century manuscript as well as explanations of its contents. Hopefully they will be insightful, and offer information to those who pursue it.
Only the most arcane Edda-stanzas have authentic Galdrs that teach hard-core witchery, sheltered by tribal memory and impossible to destroy. Its repetitive invocation-structure opens a creative path to strong, ferocious and wide-ranging wisdom. Make it roam as a never-ending rhyme; genuine and truthful, the sacred recycling that survives us all!
(Ebook in PDF format. 60 pages, 2.4 MB)
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The author’s comments:
Assuming the reader has an achieved acquaintance with the Elder Edda. This, the most esoteric book in my bibliography, concentrates on the deeper spiritual aspects of Nordic paganism through the complete preserved invocations of our ancient-mother’s teachings. If being able to devour this mind-blowing material, it promotes the skill to create your own original conjurations.
Yes, this is an advanced volume, indeed! Purely directed to those striving for the utmost superiority in the arcane art of oral incantations.